Types of Content You Might Need

  • Home page
  • Landing pages
  • Product descriptions
  • About us page
  • Blog posts
  • Case studies
  • Brand bio for online marketplaces
  • Social media content
  • Newsletters
  • Emails
  • Press releases

The list is endless! And it doesn’t just stop here, either! You may also need content for print. Perhaps you’ve been asked to provide some text for a magazine. Or you want to hand out some brochures and other marketing materials. Maybe you’re creating a catalogue of your pieces to leave at furniture showrooms? Of course, your pictures will be the first thing to draw the eye, but the content will leave readers with no doubt that they need to purchase your pieces.


Where to Start

It’s a long list above, and it can be daunting, particularly if you don’t know what to write. It is probably a good idea to work through it in order unless you have any eager press people pushing for content!

Your home page is your shop window for the internet, so this needs to be right. If visitors don’t resonate with the content here, they won’t bother to go any further into your site.

Keep the text simple, but persuasive. Talk to your customer’s pain points and prove that your business is different from all the other furniture design brands. There is definitely an art to this, so don’t panic if you are not a natural salesperson or writer.


Ask for Help

The world of furniture content writing exists for a reason. Being creative and practical doesn’t automatically mean you are good at content creation. Luckily, that is where I can help.

If you’ve spent hours lovingly crafting a hefty piece of furniture, using high-end materials, and taking your time over the details, you want to make sure it sells for its full value!

I have worked with many furniture design companies over the years and I know how to speak to customers in a way that will encourage them to buy your big-ticket items. You don’t need to spend hours fretting over getting the words right – I will do that for you. All you need to worry about is making the products that turn heads. Leave the writing to me!

Ready to create content that dazzles and delights?! Get in touch to arrange a call!