Read a Book

Does this sound counter-productive? After all, it involves looking at more words, even if they aren’t words that you’ve written. A change is as good as a rest, or so they say, and a book can provide inspiration or a welcome distraction from writing so that you feel more inclined to pick up your pen again after a few chapters.


Move Your Body

One of the few negative things about writing is that we are nearly always sat down as we do it. This creates a build-up of energy that leads to procrastination, irritability and distracted thoughts. All that pent-up movement needs a place to go, or you’ll start to feel sluggish and tired. Take a break and go for a walk or move in another way that makes you happy. You’ll be surprised at how the words flow afterwards.


Call a Friend

If your writer’s fatigue comes as a result of having too many other things on your mind, you need to find a way to dump those things elsewhere. A chat with a friend can be a surprisingly effective way to unload so that you can then focus on the writing task at hand. If nobody is available to talk, try writing all your thoughts down on a piece of paper and promise yourself that you’ll come back to it later. That way, your monkey mind can take a break and you can continue writing.


Take a Nap

If your eyes are feeling heavy and your body is feeling sluggish, an obvious answer is to listen to your body and give in to the tiredness. Set a 12-minute timer (that’s the magic power nap number) and lay down. Even if you don’t actually fall asleep, that short rest period might give you the boost you need to get on with your writing. And if you do fall asleep, you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you wake up.


Get Someone Else to Write for You!

Sometimes, there is nothing you can do to shake writer’s fatigue. Or maybe you just don’t have the time to fight it. In that case, Essence Content is here to help! Offload your writing projects to me and feel the weight lift from your shoulders! Get in touch to discuss your options.