• Create a website: Get someone qualified to build you a website that will make you stand out. Sure, you can fiddle around with WordPress to showcase your work, but it won’t have the professional finish you need.
  • Get on social media: Set up accounts wherever your target customer hangs out. You don’t need to be everywhere. Consider what sites will work best for you.
  • Get customer-focused content: This is where the work really lies. You’ll need content that turns interested visitors into customers. The possibilities are endless when it comes to placing words on the internet.


What Content Will Boost Your Google Rankings?

Filling your website with words is a great way to get Google to notice you. However, with so much competition on the global market, you need to ensure your words work harder.

One way to do this is via keywords. These are words, or groups of words, that your customers will use to search for your business. Finding the right keywords for your business will ensure Google recognizes your website as one that is highly relevant for that search term.

But, beware!

Keyword stuffing is frowned upon by Google and your customers. Keyword stuffing is when you fill your text with the keyword so often that it makes no sense. The Google algorithm actually penalizes websites that it thinks have over-used keywords so this could severely harm your search ranking.

Plus, your customers, the ones who you actually want to read your content, won’t enjoy it.

Keywords on their own are not enough. You want to have a smattering of them throughout the text, but the content should be useful and interesting. Google is actually an incredibly smart system that can see if text has value for the searcher. It looks for keywords that have been placed in the right context.

So, the best thing to do is create helpful, to-the-point content that your customer will want to read, alongside one or two relevant keywords that will ensure Google can find you when needed.


Don’t Forget to Link!

Links are another thing that Google loves and can be useful for your customers looking for the fastest route through your website to complete their transaction. You want internal links, that redirect to other pages on your website, and a few external links too. Your blog is a great place to introduce external links, as you can use them in news articles and thought leadership pieces as you show your sources.

The most valuable links, however, are the ones that link from other websites to you. Again, Google can spot links that aren’t genuine or come from places with no relationship to your website. Never pay for backlinks. But, if you can get the odd guest post on interior design websites or other furniture sites that link back to yours, that will be very helpful.

How About Socials?

While your social media posts don’t directly affect your website ranking, they do offer a new opportunity to attract customers that might not have heard of your brand. Create posts that stop your potential customer from scrolling on by and you will boost your profits.

You can also treat your social media pages as another opportunity to be seen on Google. The right text, a few well-placed keywords, and an obvious presence that shows you interacting with customers means you could be in those search results two, three, or four times, depending on how many social media accounts you have.


That all sounds incredibly time-consuming, doesn’t it? Luckily, there are people out there, like me, who do this sort of stuff for a living! Get in touch if you’d like more information on my furniture content writing services.