The key to turning one-off web agency clients into regular paying customers is to offer monthly services relating to your website design.

It’s that simple.

This helps you build up a recurring revenue that will see you through quieter business periods and enables a more meaningful business relationship with your clients.

More recurring revenue and better customer relationships?! Doesn’t that sound good?!

What Extra Services Can You Offer Your Web Agency Clients?

There are numerous services you can add to your website building business.

Some, you might be able to do yourself. Others you might need some help with (that’s what I’m here for!). But all of the below services will add value for your business and the businesses of your clients. So, there is no reason why you shouldn’t include them on your pricing page.

  • Blog posts: In these modern times, every business should have a blog page that aids in SEO and establishes that company as an authority on their subject. The blog post is an effortless marketing tool that can be distributed across social media and adds interest to a website. Clients should be aiming for at least one blog post a month, depending on their business. Some clients might look for one a week or more!
  • Product descriptions: This is, without a doubt, one of the most arduous and time-consuming jobs for an e-commerce business with many products. Each product requires its own unique description, to ensure search engines recognise it as offering valuable content. If you can provide this service for your clients, they will likely bite your hand off. This can also add to your recurring revenue if you have clients who work on a seasonal basis or continuously upgrade their offering.
  • Business offer landing pages: Is your client about to launch a fantastic deal on their website? Well, they will need a landing page to push that offer to their customers, and where will they come for both the extra page and the content to go with it? It will only be you if you can offer the combined service.
  • Email marketing: One of the very best forms of marketing, but an irritating task for busy business owners, emails sent to past customers or those who have shown interest in the brand before are a great way to boost sales. Your clients know how valuable these emails are, but they don’t always have time to write and execute them. As their go-to website provider, it makes sense for you to offer this service.
  • Social media: If emails are a slightly inconvenient, but brilliant marketing tool, then social media is a pain-in-the-arse for most businesses. Unfortunately for them, it is essential for maintaining a presence in their chosen marketplace. Take that burden from your clients and help boost their online brand – for a reasonable fee, of course.

Need a Helping Hand?

Don’t despair! Essence Content is here to help!

I can work alongside your business to help take care of the content side of things. You work your magic on the website build and I will provide you with beautifully drafted written content.

I can provide all the services listed above and more.

Simply add them to your service offering and then let me know what your client needs, along with their details. I will speak with them to ensure the content aligns perfectly with their brand and business, and then charge you for my work.

What you charge your web agency clients for these services is up to you.

I can even do the initial leg-work for you by contacting your clients with a speculative marketing email to let them know that you have added these services. Then they can get in touch should they be interested in taking advantage of them.

What to find out more? Book a content consultation and let’s build a beautiful new working relationship!