The Google Algorithms Like New Content

One way to boost SEO is to constantly update your site. Of course, you don’t want to move your home page around too often, as customers will get fed up with the changes. A blog offers the most natural and convenient place to add content, so the Google algorithm recognises yours as a business constantly providing value to your clients.

Stop blogging, and your business will start to slip further down the search rankings and new customers will stop finding you. The longer your blog remains inactive, the further down the search results you will fall.

Your Customers Might Wonder Where You’ve Gone

Whether you were posting once a week, once a month, or less, when people do stumble across your blog, they will wonder what happened to make you stop posting. If your website is the only place they have contact with your business, they might think you’ve closed down or struggling to stay afloat. It’s not a good look if you are trying to build a loyal brand.

You Might Run Out of Things to Post on Social Media

One of the best things about a blog post is your ability to extend its reach to other platforms, like social media sites. You can take snippets of your post and turn them into smaller posts for Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn or any other platforms your business might be active on. This means more potential customers might see your post and be encouraged to visit your website. Even if they only read your social media post, they will start to build brand recognition.

Your PPC Ads Start to Cost More

As your website becomes less relevant due to a lack of up-to-date information, your PPC ad cost will start to rise. This is because your website is seen as lower quality and less likely to contain the information customers want. So if you’ve given up on your blog to save money, it might not quite work that way!

Your Competitors Start to Steal More of Your Market Share

You are only ever as good as your last blog post, and if yours was back in 2016, your competitors have a real opportunity to reposition themselves as the best source of quality information in your industry. As customers start to trust their blogs over yours, they are also far more likely to buy from them.


But wait! Don’t just delete your blog – get back some of the magic that those posts can bring to your site! It’s tough to undo the damage done by abandoning your blog without adding some fresh, new content to the page. If time is a factor, perhaps this is a job worth outsourcing to a copywriter like me! Send me a message to let me know about your blog dilemmas and I will tell you how I can help!