Content Writers Work from your Customer’s Perspective

As a designer, the benefits of your products are obvious to you. They are the reason why you created your stylish piece of furniture or beautiful dress in the first place.

But your customers might not find it quite so easy to understand.

A list of features might cover most things, but they won’t persuade your website visitors to take the next step and become customers.

But a well-crafted product description will, considering both the benefits of the item, as well as the features you have so lovingly included.


Content Writers Can Be Experts on You

As a designer, your time is better spent on the more practical elements of your job. You should be drawing, creating and finding inspiration. You don’t want to be stuck stumbling over words when you already know how fantastic your products are.

A content writer, on the other hand, will take your enthusiasm and dedication and weave it into your website text in a way that attracts your customers. They will do the necessary research that is required to ensure you stand out in a busy marketplace.


Content Writers Save You Time

Did you know the average blog post takes around four hours to write? That is based on the research, planning and editing that is almost always required, as well as the actual act of putting words on a screen. If you are posting regularly, this time can really take away from your busy design schedule. And you should be posting regularly to help boost your search engine ranking results.

If writing isn’t your thing, then website content and blog posts are a hassle. And even if you love writing, those four hours can probably be better spent. Let a content writer take the bulk of this job and get on with what you love most – designing.


Content Writers Can Boost Your Reputation for Excellence

Design critics can be tough and the media is quick to pick up on anything that is not quite right. Get your website words wrong and you can quickly become a laughing stock.

Maintain your reputation with a content plan that is as bespoke as the pieces you create. Every word should be written to persuade your website visitors that yours is a premium brand that is worth investing in. There should be no doubt in their minds that your products are the very best available.


These are just four reasons why you can’t afford to not hire a content writer, but there are many more! Contact me today and I will be happy to provide a quotation for a content plan that will ensure your brand is always word-perfect!