Why Written Content is Important to Web Designers

As a copywriter, I often have clients send me links to websites that they like the look of. They want their content to emulate the style that they have seen.

I actively encourage this, as it helps to build the bigger picture of what it is that they are trying to achieve with their content. Alongside a customer consultation, it can be a valuable tool for me.

They also often send me examples of content that they really don’t like.

I’ve seen it all, the good, the bad and the ugly!

Sometimes, depending on the type of content, the writer is given a byline. If the content is good, then that byline is a useful marketing tool for the writer. If it is bad, it can potentially ruin their career.

The same is true of your website designs. Good websites encourage new clients. Bad ones send them elsewhere.

Now imagine that you have spent hours crafting the most beautiful website and added your company link in the footer for new potential customers to see.

Then imagine that your client has scribbled all over it with badly written content.

Perhaps you’ve never given much thought to what happens once you sign off on a project. But once that website is live, it is accessible by the entire internet. Your global reputation is potentially on the line!

Will customers searching for web design see beyond spelling mistakes and grammatical errors? Will they be able to see your creation at all underneath long, boring blocks of content?

But wait, there’s more!

What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Your dream client may have just stumbled across one of your websites to see what your work looks like. Will they know that the content was written by a previous client, or will they assume those words came from you?

Either way, your work is linked with that content.

If the text really is unreadable and unrelatable, it is also unlikely to rank very high on search engines. Your meticulously made website will be hidden underneath pages of search results. So even if you’ve worked hard to create the best website in the world, nobody will ever see it.

But what about your professional portfolio? You don’t want to display a website full of lorem ipsum text. Equally, poor content will damage the aesthetic that you are trying to display.

So, What Can You Do?

You have three options when it comes to your clients’ content. They are:

  • Leave it to the client: Take the risk of reputation damage and let the client do what they want once you have fulfilled your job role.
  • Do it yourself: Are you any good at writing? Can you write in a way that will encourage people to buy? Do you have the time to offer this as an extra service? If the answer to all of these is yes, then this is a great option to choose.
  • White-label your content service: Outsourcing your clients’ content needs is an option that many web designers choose. It gives you peace of mind that you will be offering great quality content that sells your services but keeps your time free for designing. It also allows you to upgrade your service packages, increasing your earning potential.

If you choose option three, then let’s arrange a free 20-minute client consultation. Your reputation is on the line but I can help.